My Projects

Screenshot of the Pixel Cafe website
Pixel Cafe

Pixel Cafe is a VTuber on Twitch. I developed the website using Next.js and also implemented the website with Twitch's API to integrate clips and embed the stream window and chat window into the page. Also, I implemented a time zone converter that will automatically convert to your time zone based on your system time.

Screenshot of the Preserve Our Culture website
Preserve Our Culture

A social website dedicated to breakdance and the culture behind breakdance. I personally worked on the profile page, the login page, and the majority of the login logic as well as managed the database in a small team of V School alumni.

Work in Progress
Screenshot of the FFXIV Party Finder website
FFXIV Party Finder

FFXIV Party Finder is a great way to find parties on the popular game Final Fantasy XIV that are cross-data center. I used various technologies such as React, Bootstrap React, MongoDB, Mongoose, bcrypt, JWT Tokens, and much more.

Built with Next.js, Tailwind, and Vercel